Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another CRAZY Week!

Well hello Family,

This past week was a stressful and insane week, but I learned a lot from this week. The main thing of this week is Nery and Estela, they are our investigators who are practically members, but have been waiting for Nery to get divorced so that they could get married and baptized, the good news is that the divorce finally got approved, and the latest Nery could remarry is June 7th, however, they were asking us and all the missionaries to pray for them, they told us lots was going on, but wouldn't tell us till it was over, and we finally found out yesterday, that Estela got accused of petty theft, which she didn't do and got sent to jail, and will get deported. It is soo sad! But of course there is a reason for everything, since they are not living together anymore Nery will probably be baptized on Sunday, and then he and the kids will be moving to Mexico, so when Estela gets out Nery will be able to baptize Estela, so in a way it really is a tender mercy, but I just feel so bad for that family, but they have great faith, Nery said probably Estela needs to be in jail, because someone in there needs her, and she can be an example. But I know everything does happen for a reason, and we just have to trust in God. It was a crazy week with that.

We did however find 4 new investigators this week and we had a ward activity, that we created by ourselves, for a movie night, not very many people showed up but it will be better next time, I'm sure!

Also I hope you are all jealous, because we stopped by a member the other day, and she said come back tomorrow, I'm making menudo, I was praying for a way out of it, because I tried it once, and I didn't like it, however this time we had a huge bowl, and I still did not like it. Menudo is cow stomach, oh man if you ever get a chance to try that stuff... don't!

Anyway well, things are going well here, and thank you soo much for your love and support. I know more this week than ever that God lives, and that he really is all powerful, and has all wisdom and really does know and love each of us, He really does help us to learn and grow so that one day we can all be like him.

I love you all soo much!

Love, Hermana Love

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's March Already!

Wow! Time is flying...fast! it's already March, that is nuts! Well this past week just flew by,we were talking to the Elders in the ward yesterday, they were saying it's crazy that we are beginning week 4 of the transfer, I insisted forever that it was only week 3, I looked at my planner and sure enough it's already week 4, time is going soo fast!

This past week we had interviews with President Becerra, he really is an inspired and loving man, I really believe I was sent there at this time so I could know President and Sister Becerra, when we went out to the parking lot after our interviews Hna. Thayne noticed a nail in our tire, so we took it to the auto shop, and the nail was in a spot that couldn't be repaired, the mechanics were laughing that the car only had 5,000 miles and we already had to get a new tire, it was soo lame, but it's pretty funny at the same time.

Well we went to see Nery and Estela this week and they told us that they will be moving in June back to Mexico, they said they want all the blessings that the Lord has in store for them, and right now, they are not obeying and honoring the law, because they don't have papers to be here, so they said there going back to Mexico, and if the Lord wants them in this country then they know he will provide a way for them to come back legally. They are soo inspiring, Nery also believes that he will get a court date this week, so he can get divorced and can be baptized by the end of this month. I am praying for it to be true, they have waited for over a year to be baptized!

This past week we also picked up 2 former investigators hopefully they will progress well! Anyway I love this mission, and I love this work! I am seeing the hand of the Lord in all aspects of my life and in the Lives of all the people here in the Rimgrove south area. I love you all! And so does God and Christ, they really love us more then we can begin to understand. Have a good week!

Love, Hermana Love

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Week of Service!

Well another week has come and gone. It went by super fast, the bulk of our week we spent doing service. Our investigators Nery and Estela moved to another apartment this week, so the Elders and us helped them move, it took parts of 2 days,  one of the Sisters here got sick and ended up in the hospital and had to stay over 2 nights, so we took her companions stuff to her since they were staying over night, so she could have a break, my companion stayed at the hospital for a few hours with sister Fili, and I took her companion sister Davidson home to shower and have a rest. The happy thing is sister Fili is feeling much better now, so everything is going well.

The exciting thing is though that Arnulfo who just got baptized, he went to Fresno this week and will be there for 2 weeks, he said he wanted to go to church there, so we got the address and he went and he said the members were so nice to him. It makes me soo happy to know that my recent converts are being taken care of.

Also 2 times a year the Stake does this mini-missionary program, and this year another Stake scheduled it the same weekend, so we had several young women sign up and not many sisters, so normally you would just have 1 young woman with you but this year we ended up with 3, it was fun, but I felt like a Jehovah's witness, going around as a pack and also only 1 of the girls knew Spanish so it was a very interesting but fun experience. I really loved it. It was so crazy, and to top off the weekend we had 2 baptisms in our ward on Sunday, from the Elders, so man this ward is on fire, and we will be finding more this week.

Well thanks for your love and support, and all your many letters, wait maybe you should check the address, because I haven't seen many recently. just kidding. But I love you all lots!

love, Hermana Love

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1st Week as a Trainer!

Well because of the holiday yesterday we are writing today! Yay! Well I survived my 1st week as a trainer, and it's been good, a really good learning experience. My companion is from West Point, Utah! Go figure, were neighbors! She is so sweet,and lucky for me a really hard worker. She has burning fire in her much like I felt too when I came. She started her mission out great. I got her on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday, We had a baptism! Arnulfo finally got baptized!!! I was soo excited! He has been ready forever, and this past Sunday he got confirmed. I had desires to cry for both of those things, because the spirit was so strong and I was soo happy, especially since it's been a long time since my last baptism. We also had a lesson with him last night, with our investigators Nery and Estela, and the spirit was so strong as he told his story of how he came to know this was the true church. It was cool!

We also had trainings this week, for being trainers and trainees, and I love those meetings because the spirit is always so strong, and we had a powerful meeting as trainers with the president. It was soo awesome. We had a good week. I love Hna. Thayne as well, I feel really lucky although I was super nervous when I learned that I was going to train.

Well I love it here in Rimgrove! and also it's crazy because on Thursday I will have been out on my mission for a year! Wow! time is flying faster than I can keep up. It's soo great!

Also I just want you to know that I know this gospel and this church is true! God loves and knows each one of us individually, and we are so lucky to have Heavenly Father in our lives watching out for us daily, I'm learning daily how perfect God's Love is! I love it!

Love Hna Love

Monday, February 6, 2012

Zone Conferences, Exchanges, and Elder Alonso!

Wow this week was packed of a bunch or random and super awesome things. It begun with Tuesday when we had zone conference, while there we did some role-plays, the way it works is one companionship is the missionaries and the other companionship 1 is an investigator and the other an evaluator. I was the evaluator, but President came to our group to, and I learned so much from him, although we were trying to receive revelation for our investigator, I learned a lot for just being a missionary just by observing, It was soo awesome! The whole thing was filled of the spirit, and it was something to keep me going.

Later on in the week we had exchanges, I stayed here with Hermana Zamora, she's from Mexico, it was good we spoke in Spanish our whole exchange and it was super exhausting, but it was good because I learned a lot! She is really nice! I like exchanges but I was happy to have my companion back.

We also had a special meeting with all the Spanish missionaries in Arcadia, where Elder Alonso from the 70 from Mexico came and spoke just to us, and right after he had a fireside with all our members it was really good and powerful, and the elders had a baptism in our ward.

We are still working on getting Arnulfo baptized things keep coming up, but were working through the details and it should be working out soon, I hope soon, because transfers are this week and I may leave my area but who really knows? Anyway were getting close with some investigators and are hoping for everything to work out. But it's really awesome!

Love, Hermana Love

Monday, January 30, 2012

Time is Flying By!

In all honesty I don't remember a whole ton about what happened this past week. The exciting thing is that Arnulfo had his baptism interview and he passed! We changed his baptism date so he's getting baptized on Wednesday we hope. But that Satan is a fighter, so we are praying that everything will work out!

We received a referral this week as well from the English missionaries and we went, and it was some catholics, and we had a good conversation with them, and we'll be going back this week, so we are very excited! They are really nice!

On Friday our no car day, we asked one of our members if she wanted to go on a lesson with us and she was really nice, she stayed with us the whole day so we could get a lot more accomplished, and she took us every where, she is planning to get married soon though and she'll be moving out of state which is sad because we love her.

Yesterday we finally got one of our investigators and less-actives to come to church, it was awesome because the ward really fellow shipped them and they really liked it! It was awesome!

I don't really remember much more so sorry this is short, but next week should be exciting because we have zone conference, baptism, exchanges and a missionary fireside coming up! Well I love you all!

Love, Hermana Love

Monday, January 23, 2012

11 Months!!

Yes! it's crazy! 11 months ago I entered the Provo MTC! Time goes way fast, because I still feel like I was just in the MTC yesterday, but now here I am almost gone for a year, and I still have lots of work to do.

This week was really awesome! We committed Arnulfo to get baptized next Monday, during our P-day, we are soo excited for it to actually happen now, because Arnulfo is soo awesome! He's been ready since the day we met him back in October, and he is legit, he comes to church for sacrament and Sunday School, and then goes straight to work, and that is after getting off sometimes at like 2 in the morning the night before. He is way cool! We also had some awesome member lessons where we are finally starting to receive referrals from them, that means that they trust us. We are loving it! Also on Friday we rode the bus, and on the bus we found one of our potentials that we have been looking for, for several days now. She says she's confused about religion and learning more would confuse her more, which if she would just listen she wouldn't be confused anymore. We also met a less-active member from the English ward, and we had a good talk with him as well, it was a cool day for riding the bus, I am starting to realize why dad likes to ride the bus soo much. It is a good time to have conversations with people.

Yesterday we had stake conference which was awesome, we called our investigators that have never come to church yet to see if they were coming and they said yes, so we were driving there way super excited! But they never showed, I don't get it they are soo awesome, they love the Book of Mormon, but they just don't come to church. But Stake Conference was awesome, since I've been serving in the same stake the whole time, I got to see the members from my other areas there and they still remember me, it was soo fun! I loved it although my convert from Chino, wasn't there, but the sisters says he still goes to church weekly. But Stake Conference was cool because it was a broadcast, so we heard from, Elder Steven E. Snow, Elder Johnston, Sister Barbara Thompson, and Elder Perry, and I even understood almost everything, slowly but surely I'm getting there to fluent Spanish.

Well yup, it was a good week and another successful week is well on its way! I love you all lots!

Love, Hermana Love